February 13, 2025

Dear SPC Families,

Thank you to everyone who attended, contributed, and volunteered for Celebrating the Spirit!  It was a fun 100th birthday party! We are still finalizing the numbers as donations are still coming in, but it was a tremendous success, thanks to all of your generosity and support!

Celebrating the Spirit Teacher Parties and Party Board Spaces!
Though Celebrating the Spirit is over, we are still celebrating our SPC spirit! Now it’s time for the Teacher Treats and a few remaining Party Board spots!

A very special thanks to our generous party hosts for setting up a great social calendar for our SPC parents and to our incredible teachers for planning these fun Teacher Treats for the students!

We will keep any open parties online until they are sold out or through Friday, February 21st, whichever comes first. If you are planning on signing up, don’t delay. The Teacher Treats also close after Friday, February 21st.

Please visit the Celebrating the Spirit website to sign up for both the Teacher Treats and the Party Boards on the same page.  


Parent-teacher conferences are on March 6th (in person) and March 7th (Google Meets). On February 20th, we will send information on scheduling your conferences through Pick a Time!

We are looking for SPC parents to come and share their career experiences!  Would you like to be a speaker?  CLICK HERE Middle School is a great time for your students to start learning about different careers from the best people possible–YOU!

SAVE THE DATE: May 2, 2025
TIME: 8:15-11:30 AM

Grades 4-8 will spend the morning listening to parents from diverse fields talk about their careers. You will have four sessions from 8:15-11:30 to speak to small groups of students. You may not have to be here the entire morning, depending on the schedule. 


  • February 14: No School – Professional Development Day
  • February 17: No School – Presidents Day
  • Roundball – March 1-8th

    Parent-Teacher Conferences:
  • March 6th- Dismissal at 12:00 pm
  • March 6th in-person Conferences 1:00–8:00 pm
  • March 7th -Asynchronous Learning Remote Parent-Teacher Conferences

2024-2025 Family Masses: Save The Dates
This year, the school will be hosting family Masses at 10:30 AM in the Holy Family Chapel, and it will be an excellent opportunity for our school community to pray together! Our students will be reading and serving as ushers, and our alumni will return to be Eucharistic ministers. 

  • February 23: 1st and 2nd Grade
  • March 16th: All 4-8th grade Spring Athletes will pray together. Spring Athletes will wear their spring sports jerseys!
  • May 25th: Preschool & Kindergarten

While the school hosts the above Family Masses, Religious Education hosts Family Masses on the following Sundays at 10:30 AM, and school families are always invited!
March 9
May 11

Dr. Erika Mickelburgh

Twist and Shout!  It’s time for a 1950s Sock Hop!
All preschool – 8th grade girls are invited to attend the annual SPC Sweetheart Dance.  Tickets can be purchased thru Thursday, February 20th here. Tickets will not be available at the door.  

To help the event run smoothly, we are looking for volunteers to help with set-up, check-in and clean-up. We can’t make this event happen without you!  Sign up here.

*We are unable to provide refunds or make switches of time slots once tickets have been purchased.*

SPC Athletics

Click here to register now!

Click here to download the Athletics Newsletter

More SPC Updates

Teens and Anxiety and Durability
Dr. Damour shares her insights on how school pressures, social media, and widespread fears affect teenagers’ mental health. We explore healthy coping strategies, effective parenting techniques, and the importance of shifting perspectives to manage discomfort.

Turning Distress into Durability

Players, coaches, and sponsors, it’s Roundball 2025 Registration Time!
Player Registration
Coach Application
Sponsorship Form
All information is on our Roundball webpage.

The deadline to order a St. Paul of the Cross yearbook is Friday, April 4th. If you are not sure if you have already ordered a yearbook, please contact Mrs. McCallister at [email protected] before ordering. Click here to download the flyer with details.

From the Parish

We have an active and vibrant parish and encourage everyone to read the weekly bulletins for Fr. James’ weekly letter and stay informed about all upcoming events and programs. 

Please click here for the latest bulletin. 
Please click here for Fr. James’ “The Daily” – Daily Mass Readings and Reflections

Women’s Group Retreat March 6th
Reflect, Recharge, Renew
Please click here to download the flyer and all of the details.

From the Community

February 6, 2025

Dear SPC Families,

I look forward to Celebrating 100 years of St. Paul of the Cross School Spirit tomorrow and honoring the legacy of Maggie Burke! The CTS program book went home Monday so everyone could review auction items and the adorable well wishes. I want to thank our wonderful co-chairs, Megan Weber and Kelly Bontempo, and their committee for all their hard work in planning the birthday party of the century! A special shout out to Mary Ploen, who has been the point person for CTS for the past 16 years! I look forward to raising money and toasting to the next 100 years with you tomorrow!

Student Council is still collecting donations for the “Souper Bowl,” which will benefit the parish food pantry!

We are looking for SPC parents to come and share their career experiences!  Would you like to be a speaker?  CLICK HERE Middle School is a great time for your students to start learning about different careers from the best people possible–YOU!

SAVE THE DATE: May 2, 2025
TIME: 8:15-11:30 AM

Grades 4-8 will spend the morning listening to parents from diverse fields talk about their careers. You will have four sessions from 8:15-11:30 to speak to small groups of students. You may not have to be here the entire morning, depending on the schedule. 


  • February 7: Celebrating the Spirit
  • February 10: No School – Superbowl Monday reward from Fun Run
  • February 14: No School – Professional Development Day
  • February 17: No School – Presidents Day

2024-2025 Family Masses: Save The Dates
This year, the school will be hosting family Masses at 10:30 AM in the Holy Family Chapel, and it will be an excellent opportunity for our school community to pray together! Our students will be reading and serving as ushers, and our alumni will return to be Eucharistic ministers. 

  • February 23: 1st and 2nd Grade
  • March 16th: All 4-8th grade Spring Athletes will pray together. Spring Athletes will wear their spring sports jerseys!
  • May 25th: Preschool & Kindergarten

While the school hosts the above Family Masses, Religious Education hosts Family Masses on the following Sundays at 10:30 AM, and school families are always invited!
March 9
May 11

Dr. Erika Mickelburgh

We are so excited! The Birthday Party of the Century is tomorrow night, and we can’t wait to celebrate with you all! What an amazing turnout!

Those attending Celebrating the Spirit should have already received your welcome message about online bidding last night. Please DO NOT register for online bidding twice; if you have already received the welcome message text and/or email, you are already registered for online bidding. The Party Boards will be at CTS Friday night, and attendees will have the opportunity to sign up upon arrival.

For those of you who are unable to join us tomorrow night but still want to be a part of our online silent auction, the Silent Auction is online now! Click on the provided link below to automatically browse the auction packages. The “how to” is in the email blast we sent out this afternoon.

Let the Bidding Begin! https://spcsch2025.ggo.bid

Please contact us with any questions—Megan Weber at [email protected], Kelly Bontempo at [email protected], or Mary Ploen at [email protected].

Here are some FAQs about Celebrating the Spirit! Get the scoop on the evening program, what to expect, and more! CTS 2025 FAQ
Thank you for your support!

Twist and Shout!  It’s time for a 1950s Sock Hop!
All preschool – 8th grade girls are invited to attend the annual SPC Sweetheart Dance.  

Tickets can be purchased thru Thursday, February 20th here.  Tickets will not be available at the door.
*We are unable to provide refunds or make switches of time slots once tickets have been purchased.

More SPC Updates

Spring Ballet with Ms. Rio
Please click on the flyer here.

Teens and Anxiety and Durability
Dr. Damour shares her insights on how school pressures, social media, and widespread fears affect teenagers’ mental health. We explore healthy coping strategies, effective parenting techniques, and the importance of shifting perspectives to manage discomfort.

Turning Distress into Durability

Players, coaches, and sponsors, it’s Roundball 2025 Registration Time!
Player Registration
Coach Application
Sponsorship Form
All information is on our Roundball webpage.

The deadline to order a St. Paul of the Cross yearbook is Friday, April 4th. If you are not sure if you have already ordered a yearbook, please contact Mrs. McCallister at [email protected] before ordering. Click here to download the flyer with details.

From the Parish

We have an active and vibrant parish and encourage everyone to read the weekly bulletins for Fr. James’ weekly letter and stay informed about all upcoming events and programs. 

Please click here for the latest bulletin. 
Please click here for Fr. James’ “The Daily” – Daily Mass Readings and Reflections

Women’s Group Retreat March 6th
Reflect, Recharge, Renew
Please click here for the details.

From the Community

January 30, 2025

Dear SPC Families,

This week, I had the opportunity to conduct Confirmation interviews for our 8th grade Confirmands, who will receive the sacrament of Confirmation on February 22nd. As educators, we spend much of our time “measuring” success, whether it is academic, behavioral, growth of programs, or even financial. As Catholic school educators, a challenge is “measuring” Catholic identity or how children grow in their faith. Applying quantitative measures to this question does little to examine the complex journey of growing in faith through their elementary school years. Confirmation interviews provide insight into how our 8th graders are leaving SPC as faith-filled Christians. I was moved by the thoughtful responses to the questions. Our 8th graders are fully prepared for Confirmation and, more importantly, firmly grounded in their faith as they leave for high school. Our students spoke eloquently of why they selected their sponsors and how they connected with their Confirmation saint. They discussed how they experienced the Corporal Works of Mercy in their community service and how they hope to grow in the 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit. After a morning of conversations, I was truly moved by how rooted our 8th graders are in their Catholic values and love for God. I was inspired by their excitement to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation and their motivation to live a life of Christian service. Growing up as an adolescent is not easy these days; the cultural norms that exist in social media, music, and movies often run counter to the values of our faith. Yes, kids will be kids, and they will make mistakes, but I can say with certainty that the moral compass and faith-filled values are strong in our graduates. Please keep our Confirmands in your prayers these next few weeks as they prepare for Confirmation!

I hope to see you at Celebrating the Spirit, the biggest birthday bash of the century, next Friday!  Thank you to the CTS committee, which has planned quite the birthday bash! 

If you plan to join us but have not yet purchased your tickets, don’t miss out on signing up! You can buy your tickets here. Please look below for more details and an FAQ from the committee. Stay tuned for the online auction details that will be released early next week.

What a fun week we have had at SPC, celebrating Catholic Schools Week! I want to give a shout-out to the Catholic Schools Week teacher committee, who worked to plan memorable activities! This week was extra special as we kicked off celebrating our 100th birthday!   

Thank you to Home and School, who planned Bowling with the Boys last week; we had two very well-attended sessions and a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon! Thank you to Molly Moran who chairs the parent/child events! 

I also ask you to keep Jack Trojan, one of our maintenance staff, in your prayers. Last week, his wife, Michelle, passed away. Michelle was a constant presence on campus from her time working EDP to even coming to help Jack if he was called to campus after his shift to fix something or just help out. Michelle will be missed, and all of our hearts break for Jack and his family. Please keep them all in your prayers. At this time arrangements are private for the family. Any cards or wishes for Jack can be dropped at the main office. 

We are looking for SPC parents to come and share their career experiences!  Would you like to be a speaker?  CLICK HERE Middle School is a great time for your students to start learning about different careers from the best people possible–YOU!

SAVE THE DATE: May 2, 2025
TIME: 8:15-11:30 AM

Grades 4-8 will spend the morning listening to parents from diverse fields talk about their careers. You will have four sessions from 8:15-11:30 to speak to small groups of students. You may not have to be here the entire morning, depending on the schedule. 


  • February 7: Celebrating the Spirit
  • February 10: No School – Superbowl Monday reward from Fun Run
  • February 14: No School – Professional Development Day
  • February 17: No School – Presidents Day

2024-2025 Family Masses: Save The Dates
This year, the school will be hosting family Masses at 10:30 AM in the Holy Family Chapel, and it will be an excellent opportunity for our school community to pray together! Our students will be reading and serving as ushers, and our alumni will return to be Eucharistic ministers. 

  • February 23: 1st and 2nd Grade
  • March 16th: All 4-8th grade Spring Athletes will pray together. Spring Athletes will wear their spring sports jerseys!
  • May 25th: Preschool & Kindergarten

While the school hosts the above Family Masses, Religious Education hosts Family Masses on the following Sundays at 10:30 AM, and school families are always invited!
February 2
March 9
May 11

Dr. Erika Mickelburgh

We are so excited! The Birthday Party of the Century is just a week away and we can’t wait to celebrate with you all! What an amazing turnout!
Reminder, if you are planning to attend, don’t wait to get those tickets! Purchase your CTS tickets here!

Here are some FAQs about Celebrating the Spirit! Get the scoop on the evening program, what to expect, and more! CTS 2025 FAQ


Please click on the newsletter to download.

Twist and Shout!  It’s time for a 1950s Sock Hop!
All preschool – 8th grade girls are invited to attend the annual SPC Sweetheart Dance.  

Tickets can be purchased thru Thursday, February 20th here.  Tickets will not be available at the door.

*We are unable to provide refunds or make switches of time slots once tickets have been purchased.

More SPC Updates

Teens and Anxiety and Durability
Dr. Damour shares her insights on how school pressures, social media, and widespread fears affect teenagers’ mental health. We explore healthy coping strategies, effective parenting techniques, and the importance of shifting perspectives to manage discomfort.

Turning Distress into Durability

Players, coaches, and sponsors, it’s Roundball 2025 Registration Time!
Player Registration
Coach Application
Sponsorship Form
All information is on our Roundball webpage.

The deadline to order a St. Paul of the Cross yearbook is Friday, April 4th. If you are not sure if you have already ordered a yearbook, please contact Mrs. McCallister at [email protected] before ordering. Click here to download the flyer with details.

From the Parish

We have an active and vibrant parish and encourage everyone to read the weekly bulletins for Fr. James’ weekly letter and stay informed about all upcoming events and programs. 

Please click here for the latest bulletin. 
Please click here for Fr. James’ “The Daily” – Daily Mass Readings and Reflections

Women’s Group Retreat March 6th
Reflect, Recharge, Renew
Please click here for the details.

From the Community

January 23, 2025

Dear SPC Families,

We are excited to celebrate Catholic Schools Week. Beginning on Sunday with Mass and Open House, the Catholic Schools Week committee has planned a week of activities celebrating our Catholic School!!!

Last Saturday, St. Paul of the Cross 6-8 graders participated in the Future City Competition. The students presented their model of a futuristic floating city called “Atlantis Reborn.”  The team was awarded Best Name for a Community by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).  Congratulations!

Thank you to all of our police parents who have responded immediately by signing up for extra shifts to ensure our community’s safety! Since I have not received any official notification regarding the threat made at a local school, we will continue to have extra security on campus during the school day.

Quick reminder, if you’re planning to purchase tickets for Celebrating the Spirit on February 7th, the ticket prices go up tomorrow. Click here to purchase your tickets.

This a reminder that Home and School will meet in the Holy Family Chapel after drop-off tomorrow, January 24th.

Please keep the O’Connell family in your prayers, as they suffered a house fire this week. The 1st-grade room moms will organize some support soon, but if you would like to drop off gift card donations to the main office, we will ensure they receive them.  


  • January 26-31: Catholic Schools Week – Please see below
  • February 7: Celebrating the Spirit
  • February 10: No School – Superbowl Monday reward from Fun Run
  • February 14: No School – Professional Development Day
  • February 17: No School – Presidents Day

In This Week’s Thursday Mailing

  • Catholic Schools Week
  • 24-25 Family Mass Schedule (please see below for additional dates for Family Mass hosted by Religious Education) 

Catholic Schools Week January 26-31!
We are excited to celebrate our upcoming Catholic Schools Week! Please click here to download the pdf.

Kiss and Go During Cold Weather
“Oh the weather outside is frightful and the kiss and go line is much longer”  
A few friendly reminders:

  • Have your children wear their coats in the car – we do not have time to put coats on and keep the line moving.
  • We do not prop the doors open when it is cold so we can keep the heat in the building. The teachers are just inside and will still open the door.
  • The kiss-and-go helpers will go inside at 8:00 am–if you are late, please walk your child inside. 
  • And….do not get out of your car or risk the whistle and the naughty list!
  • And….do not pull out from the line if you are in the cones—that is a hard-to-get-off-of-the-naughty-list infraction!

2024-2025 Family Masses: Save The Dates
This year, the school will be hosting family Masses at 10:30 AM in the Holy Family Chapel, and it will be an excellent opportunity for our school community to pray together! Our students will be reading and serving as ushers, and our alumni will return to be Eucharistic ministers. 

  • February 23: 1st and 2nd Grade
  • March 16th: All 4-8th grade Spring Athletes will pray together. Spring Athletes will wear their spring sports jerseys!
  • May 25th: Preschool & Kindergarten

While the school hosts the above Family Masses, Religious Education hosts Family Masses on the following Sundays at 10:30 AM, and school families are always invited!
February 2
March 9
May 11

Dr. Erika Mickelburgh

We are so excited! The Birthday Party of the Century is just 2 weeks away and we can’t wait to celebrate with you all! Reminder that ticket prices increase tomorrow! Purchase your CTS tickets here!


Please click on the newsletter to download.

HSA Meeting on Friday, January 24th
Happy New Year! Please join us for our first meeting of 2025 on Friday, January 24, at 8 am in the Holy Family Chapel. If you prefer to join virtually, please use this link.

Information for the zoom is below:
Topic: HASA January Meeting
Time: Jan 24, 2025 08:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 830 2592 5974
Passcode: wjrZ4y

Hello Families!
We are doing well with Box Tops this year! We have raised over $155 for the Home and School Association. We have increased the number of supporters scanning receipts each month since the beginning of the year! Thank you for your participation! If you would like more information about Box Tops, please visit Box Tops.

I am now the Raise Right Coordinator. I love Raise Right because I can buy virtual gift cards to use for everyday spending and it helps me reduce my daughters’ tuition at the same time. Did you know you can buy gift cards to pay for uniforms? That is my favorite way to use Raise Right and it’s very easy to do. I have created a presentation that explains the program (and how to buy gift cards for uniforms) which you can see here: Raise Right

Please contact me with any questions you may have.

Carrie Jackiewicz
[email protected]

More SPC Updates

Players, coaches, and sponsors, it’s Roundball 2025 Registration Time!
Player Registration
Coach Application
Sponsorship Form
All information is on our Roundball webpage.

The deadline to order a St. Paul of the Cross yearbook is Friday, April 4th. If you are not sure if you have already ordered a yearbook, please contact Mrs. McCallister at [email protected] before ordering. Click here to download the flyer with details.

From the Parish

We have an active and vibrant parish and encourage everyone to read the weekly bulletins for Fr. James’ weekly letter and stay informed about all upcoming events and programs. 

Please click here for the latest bulletin. 
Please click here for Fr. James’ “The Daily” – Daily Mass Readings and Reflections

Women’s Group Retreat March 6th
Reflect, Recharge, Renew
Please click here for the details.

From the Community

January 16, 2025

Dear SPC Families,

Last weekend was excellent for SPC Basketball; we had many teams in the playoffs! Thank you to all our coaches and fans! Congratulations to the 6th Grade Girls Gold Team and the 8th Grade Boys Blue, who brought home the championships!  

Please keep our 2nd graders in your prayers next week! Ms. Guerrero and Mrs. Galvin’s classes will receive the Sacrament of First Reconciliation on Tuesday, and Mrs. McCallister and Ms. Vasilic’s classes on Wednesday! May God Bless all of our 2nd graders! 

Earlier this week, I sent a note about a security threat at a local Catholic School. Thank you to all of our police parents who responded immediately by signing up for extra shifts! I know many rumors are circulating. However,  I have not seen an official notification regarding the issue. Until then, we will continue having extra campus security during the school day. I was able to have conversations with both PR Police Chief Kampwirth and Deputy Chief Ware, who made sure there would be extra police presence throughout the day and at dismissal. We are truly blessed to have the support of our first responders to ensure the safety of our community. 

This a reminder that Home and School will meet in the Holy Family Chapel after drop-off on Friday, January 24th.


  • January 20: No School – Martin Luther King Day
  • January 26-31: Catholic Schools Week – Please see below
  • February 7: Celebrating the Spirit
  • February 10: No School – Superbowl Monday reward from Fun Run
  • February 14: No School – Professional Development Day
  • February 17: No School – Presidents Day

In This Week’s Thursday Mailing

  • Re enrollment!-The last day for re-enrollment is January 22nd!
  • Catholic Schools Week
  • IReady Winter
  • 24-25 Family Mass Schedule (please see below for additional dates for Family Mass hosted by Religious Education) 

Re-enrollment for 2025-2026 School Year:
You received an email on December 6th with the links to re-enroll your child through FACTS. All enrollment packets are due by January 22, 2025. Following this date, we can not guarantee space in your child’s grade if not completed.

All new students will be accepted on January 24, 2025. Any packet submitted beyond January 22, 2025, increases to $175 per student.

Catholic Schools Week January 26-31!
We are excited to celebrate our upcoming Catholic Schools Week! Please click here to download the pdf.

We are administering the Winter IReady tests on January 15th (Math) and January 22nd (Reading). 

Kiss and Go During Cold Weather
“Oh the weather outside is frightful and the kiss and go line is much longer”  
A few friendly reminders:

  • Have your children wear their coats in the car – we do not have time to put coats on and keep the line moving.
  • We do not prop the doors open when it is cold so we can keep the heat in the building. The teachers are just inside and will still open the door.
  • The kiss-and-go helpers will go inside at 8:00 am–if you are late, please walk your child inside. 
  • And….do not get out of your car or risk the whistle and the naughty list!
  • And….do not pull out from the line if you are in the cones—that is a hard-to-get-off-of-the-naughty-list infraction!

2024-2025 Family Masses: Save The Dates
This year, the school will be hosting family Masses at 10:30 AM in the Holy Family Chapel, and it will be an excellent opportunity for our school community to pray together! Our students will be reading and serving as ushers, and our alumni will return to be Eucharistic ministers. 

  • January 19th: 3rd and 4th Grade
  • February 23: 1st and 2nd Grade
  • March 16th: All 4-8th grade Spring Athletes will pray together. Spring Athletes will wear their spring sports jerseys!
  • May 25th: Preschool & Kindergarten

While the school hosts the above Family Masses, Religious Education hosts Family Masses on the following Sundays at 10:30 AM, and school families are always invited!
February 2
March 9
May 11

Dr. Erika Mickelburgh

Looking forward to celebrating with you all in February!
Don’t forget to purchase your tickets before the price increases next week!

Purchase your CTS tickets here!

HSA Meeting on Friday, January 24th
Happy New Year! Please join us for our first meeting of 2025 on Friday, January 24, at 8 am in the Holy Family Chapel. If you prefer to join virtually, please use this link.

Information for the zoom is below:
Topic: HASA January Meeting
Time: Jan 24, 2025 08:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 830 2592 5974
Passcode: wjrZ4y

Bowling with the Boys
Bowling with the Boys is on Saturday, January 25th. Tickets can be purchased by clicking this link for the Noon or 2:30 pm sessions. 

We are also looking for 2-3 volunteers to help with check-in at the start of each event.  If you are available to help, please sign up using this link.

Additional information is below. We can’t wait to see you!

Hello Families!
We are doing well with Box Tops this year! We have raised over $155 for the Home and School Association. We have increased the number of supporters scanning receipts each month since the beginning of the year! Thank you for your participation! If you would like more information about Box Tops, please visit Box Tops.

I am now the Raise Right Coordinator. I love Raise Right because I can buy virtual gift cards to use for everyday spending and it helps me reduce my daughters’ tuition at the same time. Did you know you can buy gift cards to pay for uniforms? That is my favorite way to use Raise Right and it’s very easy to do. I have created a presentation that explains the program (and how to buy gift cards for uniforms) which you can see here: Raise Right

Please contact me with any questions you may have.

Carrie Jackiewicz
[email protected]

More SPC Updates

Players, coaches, and sponsors, it’s Roundball 2025 Registration Time!
Player Registration
Coach Application
Sponsorship Form
All information is on our Roundball webpage.

The deadline to order a St. Paul of the Cross yearbook is Friday, April 4th. If you are not sure if you have already ordered a yearbook, please contact Mrs. McCallister at [email protected] before ordering. Click here to download the flyer with details.

From the Parish

We have an active and vibrant parish and encourage everyone to read the weekly bulletins for Fr. James’ weekly letter and stay informed about all upcoming events and programs. 

Please click here for the latest bulletin. 
Please click here for Fr. James’ “The Daily” – Daily Mass Readings and Reflections

From the Community

Edison Park Winter Indoor Soccer Registration Information

Knights of Columbus Free Throw Contest

January 9, 2025

Dear SPC Families,

Happy New Year! It is good to have everyone back in school! Tomorrow is a Spirit Wear Day. 

In this Thursday Mailing: 

  • Re enrollment!-The last day for the early bird rate is Tomorrow, January 10th
  • IReady Next Week
  • 24-25 Family Mass Schedule (please see below for additional dates for Family Mass hosted by Religious Education) 

Re-enrollment for 2025-2026 School Year:
You received an email on December 6th with the links to re-enroll your child through FACTS. Reminder- the early bird rate of $75 per student runs until tomorrow, January 10, 2025. Following January 10th, the rate increases to the regular fee of $125 per student. All enrollment packets are due by January 22, 2025. Following this date, we can not guarantee space in your child’s grade if not completed.

All new students will be accepted on January 24, 2025. Any packet submitted beyond January 22, 2025, increases to $175 per student.

We will administer the Winter IReady tests on January 15th (Math) and January 22nd (Reading). 

Kiss and Go During Cold Weather
“Oh the weather outside is frightful and the kiss and go line is much longer”  
A few friendly reminders:

  • Have your children wear their coats in the car – we do not have time to put coats on and keep the line moving.
  • We do not prop the doors open when it is cold so we can keep the heat in the building. The teachers are just inside and will still open the door.
  • The kiss-and-go helpers will go inside at 8:00 am–if you are late, please walk your child inside. 
  • And….do not get out of your car or risk the whistle and the naughty list!
  • And….do not pull out from the line if you are in the cones—that is a hard-to-get-off-of-the-naughty-list infraction!

2024-2025 Family Masses: Save The Dates
This year, the school will be hosting family Masses at 10:30 AM in the Holy Family Chapel, and it will be an excellent opportunity for our school community to pray together! Our students will be reading and serving as ushers, and our alumni will return to be Eucharistic ministers. 

  • January 19th: 3rd and 4th Grade
  • February 23: 1st and 2nd Grade
  • March 16th: All 4-8th grade Spring Athletes will pray together. Spring Athletes will wear their spring sports jerseys!
  • May 25th: Preschool & Kindergarten

While the school hosts the above Family Masses, Religious Education hosts Family Masses on the following Sundays at 10:30 AM, and school families are always invited!

January 12
February 2
March 9
May 11


Dr. Erika Mickelburgh

CTS Auction

Calling all SPC families! There’s still time to donate to our silent auction and contribute to this great cause – our incredible SPC teachers! Do you have access to exclusive experiences or unique items that could make our CTS auction unforgettable? Perhaps VIP tickets to a big game, a weekend getaway, or a behind-the-scenes tour? Every item, especially those that offer “priceless” moments, helps us raise essential funds for SPC.

If you are interested in donating (or if you have any questions) please email any of us with details at:

Kim Jung at [email protected]
Pam Walsh at [email protected]
Nicole Stinson at [email protected]

Looking forward to celebrating with you all in February!

Purchase your CTS tickets here!

Bowling with the Boys
Bowling with the Boys is on Saturday, January 25th. Tickets can be purchased by clicking this link for the Noon or 2:30 pm sessions. Additional information is below. We can’t wait to see you!

More SPC Updates

Players, coaches, and sponsors, it’s Roundball 2025 Registration Time!
Player Registration
Coach Application
Sponsorship Form
All information is on our Roundball webpage.

Encouraging Presence Ove Presents: Hleping Kids Stay Grounded

Elf on a Shelf Kindess Edition

From the Parish

We have an active and vibrant parish and encourage everyone to read the weekly bulletins for Fr. James’ weekly letter and stay informed about all upcoming events and programs. 

Please click here for the latest bulletin. 
Please click here for Fr. James’ “The Daily” – Daily Mass Readings and Reflections

From the Community

Edison Park Winter Indoor Soccer Registration Information

Knights of Columbus Free Throw Contest

December 19, 2024

Dear SPC Families,

I want to wish you all a blessed and Merry Christmas!  I pray you have a wonderful holiday filled with family and fun! May the light of the Christ Child remain in our hearts throughout the year. 

Congratulations to our preschool-3rd graders who kicked off the Christmas season with a beautiful concert this morning! 

A special thank you to all the families who contributed to the Home and School Faculty Gift Fund. We are so grateful for your generosity! 

In this Thursday mailing: 

  • School Resumes on Tuesday January 7th!
  • Re-enrollment has started!
  • Draft of the 2025-2026 School Calendar
  • Kiss and Go During Cold Weather
  • Nominations Needed for the St. Paul of the Cross Legacy Award
  • 24-25 Family Mass Schedule (please see below for additional dates for Family Mass hosted by Religious Education) 

School Resumes on Tuesday January 7th!

A reminder that we start back to school on Tuesday. Monday, January 6th is a professional development day for teachers.

Re-enrollment for 2025-2026 School Year:
It is that time again to begin preparing for enrollment for the next school year. Re-registration for the 2025-2026 school year has opened! Reminder- the early bird rate of $75 per student runs until January 10, 2025. Following January 10, the rate increases to the regular fee of $125 per student. All enrollment packets are due by January 22, 2025. Following this date, we can not guarantee space in your child’s grade if not completed. All new students will be accepted on January 24, 2025. Any packet submitted beyond January 22, 2025 increases to $175 per student. You recieved an email on December 6 with the links to re-enroll your child through FACTS. If you are a current family and submitted an application after December 6, or you have not submitted one but are planning to do so, please email Meghan Waldeck at [email protected].

DRAFT of the 2025-2026 School Calendar
Please click here for a draft of next year’s calendar.  It is also updated on the school calendar on the website. I do not anticipate any changes to the start and end date of the school year or major school holidays. PD days may change slightly. We will publish the finalized calendar for the 25-26 school year by the end of March 2025. 

Kiss and Go During Cold Weather
“Oh the weather outside is frightful and the kiss and go line is much longer”  
A few friendly reminders:

  • Have your children wear their coats in the car – we do not have time to put coats on and keep the line moving.
  • We do not prop the doors open when it is cold so we can keep the heat in the building. The teachers are just inside and will still open the door.
  • The kiss-and-go helpers will go inside at 8:00 am–if you are late, please walk your child inside. 
  • And….do not get out of your car or risk the whistle and the naughty list!
  • And….do not pull out from the line if you are in the cones—that is a really hard to get off of the naughty list infraction!

SPC Legacy Award
We are thrilled to announce that we have established The St. Paul of the Cross School Legacy Award. This award will be given to a current or past St. Paul of the Cross community member who has made a positive impact on our school community and has made significant contributions to our community and whose accomplishments, affiliations, and careers have honored the mission and values of St. Paul of the Cross School. 

We will present the inaugural SPC Legacy Award at Celebrating the Spirit on February 7, 2025.

Who Is Eligible?
Any person who has been a St. Paul of the Cross Community member.

Who Can Nominate?
Any SPC community member (past or present) 

Due Date
January 6, 2025

SPC Legacy Award Nomination Form

2024-2025 Family Masses: Save The Dates
This year, the school will be hosting family Masses at 10:30 AM in the Holy Family Chapel, and it will be an excellent opportunity for our school community to pray together! Our students will be reading and serving as ushers, and our alumni will return to be Eucharistic ministers. 

  • January 19th: 3rd and 4th Grade
  • February 23: 1st and 2nd Grade
  • March 16th: All 4-8th grade Spring Athletes will pray together. Spring Athletes will wear their spring sports jerseys!
  • May 25th: Preschool & Kindergarten

While the school hosts the above Family Masses, Religious Education hosts Family Masses on the following Sundays at 10:30 AM, and school families are always invited!

January 12
February 2
March 9
May 11


Dr. Erika Mickelburgh

Save the Date! Celebrating the Spirit 2025!

Please visit the CTS website here!
Invitations went home with your oldest/only this week, so please check those backpacks!

Well Wishes!

What an incredible number of Well Wishes coming in! The CTS program book will be filled with them! The Well Wishes deadline is TONIGHT, Thursday, December 19th.

CTS Student Art Projects
Calling all artistic and crafty parents… We are looking for parents to help with art projects for our upcoming Celebrate the Spirit. Mrs. Waldeck and Ms. Leffler can help provide ideas and materials, or if you have a grand idea and want to take the lead (or possibly group with other parents) with something fun for your child’s grade, here is your time to shine! Please complete the link to volunteer CTS Art Volunteer Sign-up.

More SPC Updates

Players, coaches, and sponsors, it’s Roundball 2025 Registration Time!
Player Registration
Coach Application
Sponsorship Form
All information is on our Roundball webpage.

Encouraging Presence Ove Presents: Hleping Kids Stay Grounded

Elf on a Shelf Kindess Edition

From the Parish

We have an active and vibrant parish and encourage everyone to read the weekly bulletins for Fr. James’ weekly letter and stay informed about all upcoming events and programs. 

Please click here for the latest bulletin. 
Please click here for Fr. James’ “The Daily” – Daily Mass Readings and Reflections

From the Community

Edison Park Winter Indoor Soccer Registration Information

Knights of Columbus Free Throw Contest

December 12, 2024

Dear SPC Families,
I hope you are all staying warm during this cold weather!

I want to give a special shout out and thank you to Mrs. Dohr and all the parent volunteers who worked tirelessly to make sure the Book Fair was a huge success!

Please keep our 8th graders in your prayers this Sunday as they participate in their Confirmation Retreat! Confirmation will take place on February 22nd, please keep our Confirmands in your prayers as they reach the final few months of their Sacramental preparation.

This Saturday is PACK THE GYM! We will have SPC teams battling SPC teams from 9:00am until 9:00pm…12 hours of Tiger Fun. Feel free to stop by and celebrate a wonderful basketball season!

In this Thursday Mailing:

  • Christmas Show is Next Week! (please note logistics below)
  • Re-enrollment has started!
  • Draft of the 2025-2026 School Calendar
  • Kiss and Go during cold weather
  • Nominations Needed for the St. Paul of the Cross Legacy Award
  • 24-25 Family Mass Schedule (please see below for additional dates for Family Mass hosted by Religious Education)


WHERE: Upper Church
WHEN: Thursday, December 19 at 10:00 AM, Church doors open at 9:45 AM. We love to see you all at 8:30 Mass however, we will be emptying the church after Mass to set up and get kids situated prior to opening the doors at 9:45 AM.

SACRED SPACE: Please remember that while this is a Christmas Show, we are also in a sacred space. Starbucks cups, coffee and beverages will not be allowed in the church. You will be asked to take the coffee back to your car if you attempt to bring it into the church. Thank you in advance for your reverence and respect of our sacred space.

GUESTS ALLOWED: We will Livestream so friends and family can watch it. Please be mindful of the number of guests you bring; we have limited capacity. CLICK HERE FOR THE LIVE STREAM

PARKING: Parking will be a challenge; please utilize the public parking in Park Ridge. There is also parking available along the tracks for a fee. WE STRONGLY RECOMMEND carpooling! YOU MAY NOT PARK IN FM GLOBAL or RYAN PARKE FUNERAL HOME.


  • Tiger Parking Lot—small parking lot off of Ridge Terrace next to the Kinnane Center. Teachers will not be parking there on concert day.
  • Pay for Metra Parking along the tracks
  • Uptown Park Ridge Public Parking
  • We are not allowed to park at the FM Global lot. You risk getting towed!

CAN I BRING MY OLDER STUDENTS TO THE CONCERT? No, the older students will see the concert during the practice on Wednesday, December 18th, allowing for more room in the church.

WHY DO WE DO THE SERVICE DURING THE DAY? Excellent question; the truth is when we host the concert at 6 or 7PM at night for these little ones, it can be a challenge. Asking them to perform when they should be unwinding for the day and getting ready for bed does not make for ideal circumstances, especially during the excitement of the holiday season. We understand that it isn’t always the best for parent schedules, but we appreciate your understanding that this decision is focused on what is best for the kids. We will livestream the performance so that you can still see your child perform if you can’t be there.

Re-enrollment for 2025-2026 School Year:
It is that time again to begin preparing for enrollment for the next school year. Re-registration for the 2025-2026 school year has opened! Reminder that the early bird rate of $75/ student runs until January 10, 2025. Following January 10, the rate increases to the regular fee of $125/student. All enrollment packets are due by January 22, 2025. Following this date, we can not guarantee space in your child’s grade if not completed. All new students will be accepted on January 24, 2025. Any packet submitted beyond January 22, 2025 increases to $175/student. You recieved an email on December 6 with the links to re enroll your child through FACTS. If you are a current family and submitted an application after December 6 or you have not submitted one but are planning to do so, please email Meghan Waldeck at [email protected].

DRAFT of the 2025-2026 School Calendar
Please click here for a draft of next year’s calendar.  It is also updated on the school calendar on the website. I do not anticipate any changes to the start and end date of the school year or major school holidays. PD days may change slightly. We will publish the finalized calendar for the 25-26 school year by the end of March 2025. 

Kiss and Go During Cold Weather
“Oh the weather outside is frightful and the kiss and go line is much longer”  
A few friendly reminders:

  • Have your children wear their coats in the car – we do not have time to put coats on and keep the line moving.
  • We do not prop the doors open when it is cold so we can keep the heat in the building. The teachers are just inside and will still open the door.
  • The kiss-and-go helpers will go inside at 8:00 am–if you are late, please walk your child inside. 
  • And….do not get out of your car or risk the whistle and the naughty list!
  • And….do not pull out from the line if you are in the cones—that is a really hard to get off of the naughty list infraction!

SPC Legacy Award
We are thrilled to announce that we have established The St. Paul of the Cross School Legacy Award. This award will be given to a current or past St. Paul of the Cross community member who has made a positive impact on our school community and has made significant contributions to our community and whose accomplishments, affiliations, and careers have honored the mission and values of St. Paul of the Cross School. 

We will present the inaugural SPC Legacy Award at Celebrating the Spirit on February 7, 2025.
Who Is Eligible?
Any person who has been a St. Paul of the Cross Community member.

Who Can Nominate?
Any SPC community member (past or present) 

Due Date
January 6, 2025

SPC Legacy Award Nomination Form

2024-2025 Family Masses: Save The Dates
This year, the school will be hosting family Masses at 10:30 AM in the Holy Family Chapel, and it will be an excellent opportunity for our school community to pray together! Our students will be reading and serving as ushers, and our alumni will return to be Eucharistic ministers. 

  • December 15th: All 4-8th grade and Bitty Basketball.  Winter Athletes will pray together. Winter Athletes will wear their winter sports jerseys!
  • January 19th: 3rd and 4th Grade
  • February 23: 1st and 2nd Grade
  • March 16th: All 4-8th grade Spring Athletes will pray together. Spring Athletes will wear their spring sports jerseys!
  • May 25th: Preschool & Kindergarten

While the school hosts the above Family Masses, Religious Education hosts Family Masses on the following Sundays at 10:30 AM, and school families are always invited!

January 12
February 2
March 9
May 11


Dr. Erika Mickelburgh

Cheer on the Tigers this Saturday!

Save the Date! Celebrating the Spirit 2025!

Please visit the CTS website here!

We love seeing all of the Well Wishes and Sponsorships coming in! Please keep them coming!

CTS Student Art Projects
Calling all artistic and crafty parents… We are looking for parents to help with art projects for our upcoming Celebrate the Spirit. Mrs. Waldeck and Ms. Leffler can help provide ideas and materials, or if you have a grand idea and want to take the lead (or possibly group with other parents) with something fun for your child’s grade, here is your time to shine! Please complete the link to volunteer CTS Art Volunteer Sign-up.

Faculty Christmas Gift Fund
With the holidays right around the corner, the Home & School Association (HSA) will once again host the SPC Faculty Christmas Gift Fund.  This is a school-wide collection of monetary gift donations which is then equitably divided among all SPC full and part-time faculty, administration, and support staff as a demonstration of our appreciation during this holiday season. 

In previous years, families have donated $40-$50 per student (an average of $6-$10 per faculty or staff member with whom your child interacts depending on grade level), however, the FACTS form allows for you to contribute any amount with which you are comfortable.

This donation is in lieu of individual gifts.  The last names (only) will be added to the Christmas card that will be given to each faculty and staff member with the check enclosed.

Donations can be made by clicking this link.  Donations can also be made via check or cash to the main office. Checks should be made out to SPC Home and School.

The final date to donate is Monday December 16th so that we can process the checks in time for Christmas. 

Thank you in advance for your generosity! 
Home & School Association

Dear Parents and Families,

Thank you for once again exceeding our expectations and  helping to make our Book Fair an outstanding success!

I appreciate your efforts to support our book fair and can’t wait to see how many wishes can be granted with your fundraising efforts.

Hosting this Book Fair allowed me to watch your kids discover new books, however, all that joy wouldn’t be possible without the volunteers from our school community who deserve my special thanks.

If you have unused funds in your child’s eWallet, your child missed out on the Fair, or if your child has already finished every new book, there’s still time to shop!  Our Book Fair will continue ONLINE THROUGH DEC. 16TH.  25% of all online purchases will still directly benefit our school.  Please note, all orders ship directly to your home, and shipping is free for book orders over $25.  Buddy up with a friend.  EWallets can be shared.  Your online purchases will also benefit our school.  Click below to shop our Fair:

St. Paul of the Cross Book Fair

I hope to see you and your child at our next Fair.  Until then, happy reading!


Mrs. Sue Dohr

Book Fair Chairperson

St. Paul of the Cross School

More SPC Updates

Players, coaches, and sponsors, it’s Roundball 2025 Registration Time!
Player Registration
Coach Application
Sponsorship Form
All information is on our Roundball webpage.

Overcoming Parental Anxiety: Responding to the Surgeon General’s Call to Support Parental Well-Being
Parent Webinar Thursday, December 12th.

Elf on a Shelf Kindess Edition

From the Parish

We have an active and vibrant parish and encourage everyone to read the weekly bulletins for Fr. James’ weekly letter and stay informed about all upcoming events and programs. 

Please click here for the latest bulletin. 
Please click here for Fr. James’ “The Daily” – Daily Mass Readings and Reflections

The first annual “Christmas Stroll” takes place on Saturday, December 14th. Join us for the Adult and Children’s Choirs as they perform for the event on Saturday, December 14, at 11:00 am in the Upper Church.

From the Community

Edison Park Winter Indoor Soccer Registration Information

December 5, 2024

Dear SPC Families,
This week, we began our celebration of Advent!  Our 3rd-5th graders went to Reconciliation after Mass on Tuesday. Thank you to our National Junior Honor Society members, who have been collecting and organizing packages in partnership with the St. Catherine of Siena Guild. After the first run, we’ve collected 120 packages that will be distributed to the homeless. Please see the link below to contribute to the Adopt a Family Program, which helps provide gift cards to the clients of the Parish Food Pantry. Tomorrow, St. Nick will drop off a special treat (candy canes) for all the SPC Tigers!  

Thank you for reading the Thursday mailing; it is jam-packed with a great deal of information this week!

In this Thursday Mailing: 

  • Re-enrollment starts tomorrow for current families
  • Draft of the 2025-2026 School Calendar
  • Kiss and Go during cold weather
  • Nominations Needed for the St Paul of the Cross Legacy Award
  • The Parish is hiring a Director of Operations. Please pass this along to people who may be interested.
  • Trimester 1 Report Cards
  • Adopt a Family-donations needed
  • Christmas Concert Grades PS-3-Save the Date!
  • 24-25 Family Mass Schedule (please see below for additional dates for Family Mass hosted by Religious Education) 

Re-enrollment for 2025-2026 School Year:
It is that time again to begin preparing for enrollment for the next school year. Re-registration for the 2025-2026 school year opens tomorrow, December 6, 2024. Reminder that the early bird rate of $75/ student runs until January 10, 2025. Following January 10, the rate increases to the regular fee of $125/student. All enrollment packets are due by January 22, 2025. Following this date, we can not guarantee space in your child’s grade if not completed. All new students will be accepted on January 24, 2025. Any packet submitted beyond January 22, 2025 increases to $175/student. You will receive an email tomorrow with the links to re enroll your child through FACTS.

DRAFT of the 2025-2026 School Calendar:
Please click here for a draft of next year’s calendar. It is also updated on the school calendar on the website. I do not anticipate any changes to the start and end date of the school year or major school holidays. PD days may change slightly. We will publish the finalized calendar for the 25-26 school year by the end of March 2025. 

Kiss and Go During Cold Weather:
“Oh the weather outside is frightful and the kiss and go line is much longer”  
A few friendly reminders:

  • Have your children wear their coats in the car–we do not have time to put coats on and keep the line moving.
  • We do not prop the doors open when it is cold so we can keep the heat in the building. The teachers are just inside and will still open the door.
  • The kiss-and-go helpers will go inside at 8:00 am–if you are late, please walk your child inside. 
  • And….do not get out of your car (or risk the whistle and the naughty list!
  • And….do not pull out from the line if you are in the cones—that is really hard to get off of the naughty list infraction!

SPC Legacy Award
We are thrilled to announce that we have established The St. Paul of the Cross School Legacy Award. This award will be given to a current or past St. Paul of the Cross community member who has made a positive impact on our school community and has made significant contributions to our community and whose accomplishments, affiliations, and careers have honored the mission and values of St. Paul of the Cross School. 

We will present the inaugural SPC Legacy Award at Celebrating the Spirit on February 7, 2025.
Who Is Eligible?
Any person who has been a St. Paul of the Cross Community member.

Who Can Nominate?
Any SPC community member (past or present) 

Due Date
January 6, 2025

SPC Legacy Award Nomination Form

Trimester 1 Report Cards:
Report Cards will be sent home tomorrow, December 6th, via email.

Adopt A Family Donations:
SPC has a long-standing tradition of partnering with the parish social service ministry to ensure that needy families in our community have a wonderful Christmas. The Adopt-A-Family program will collect funds and purchase gift cards so families can buy their own gifts. Given the timeline, we ask that funds be collected by December 12, 2024. These funds benefit the families who are recipients of the St Paul of the Cross parish Food Pantry. 

Please consider donating to the Adopt-A-Family program so our school can continue this beloved Advent tradition.

100% of these proceeds will go towards the Adopt-A-Family program in Social Service Ministry. CLICK HERE TO MAKE A DONATION

WHEN: December 19th, 10:00-11:00 am (doors open at 9:45)
WHERE: Church

2024-2025 Family Masses: Save The Dates
This year, the school will be hosting family Masses at 10:30 in the Holy Family Chapel, and it will be an excellent opportunity for our school community to pray together! Our students will be reading and serving as ushers, and our alumni will return to be Eucharistic ministers. 

  • December 15th: All 4-8th grade (and Bitty Basketball) Winter Athletes will pray together. Winter Athletes will wear their fall sports jerseys!
  • January 19th: 3rd and 4th Grade
  • February 23: 1st and 2nd Grade
  • March 16th: All 4-8th grade Spring Athletes will pray together. Spring Athletes will wear their fall sports jerseys!
  • May 25th: Preschool & Kindergarten

While the school hosts the above Family Masses, Religious Education hosts Family Masses on the following Sundays at 10:30, and school families are always invited!
December 8
January 12
February 2
March 9
May 11


Dr. Erika Mickelburgh

Save the Date! Celebrating the Spirit 2025!

Please visit the CTS website here!

We love seeing all of the Well Wishes and Sponsorships coming in! Please keep them coming!

CTS Student Art Projects
Calling all artistic and crafty parents… We are looking for parents to help with art projects for our upcoming Celebrate the Spirit. Mrs. Waldeck and Ms. Leffler can help provide ideas and materials, or if you have a grand idea and want to take the lead (or possibly group with other parents) with something fun for your child’s grade, here is your time to shine! Please complete the link to volunteer CTS Art Volunteer Sign-up.

Home & School Association Meeting Tomorrow, December 6th
The Home and School Association Meeting will take place at 8am in the Holy Family Chapel tomorrow, December 6th. We hope to see you there! If you cannot attend in person, please use this link to join virtually. 

Faculty Christmas Gift Fund
With the holidays right around the corner, the Home & School Association (HSA) will once again host the SPC Faculty Christmas Gift Fund. This is a school-wide collection of monetary gift donations which is then equitably divided among all SPC full and part-time faculty, administration, and support staff as a demonstration of our appreciation during this holiday season. 

In previous years, families have donated $40-$50 per student (an average of $6-$10 per faculty or staff member with whom your child interacts depending on grade level), however, the FACTS form allows for you to contribute any amount with which you are comfortable.

This donation is in lieu of individual gifts. The last names (only) will be added to the Christmas card that will be given to each faculty and staff member with the check enclosed.

Donations can be made by clicking this link. Donations can also be made via check or cash to the main office. Checks should be made out to SPC Home and School.

The final date to donate is Monday December 16th so that we can process the checks in time for Christmas. 

Thank you in advance for your generosity! 
Home & School Association

The Scholastic Book Fair is here! YAY! Choosing their own books empowers kids and inspires them to become Bolder, Prouder, and Stronger Readers. AND—as always—every book they buy earns rewards for our school.   
Please click here to download all the details and information.

Mrs. Sue Dohr
St. Paul of the Cross’s Book Fair Chair
[email protected]

More SPC Updates

Players, coaches, and sponsors, it’s Roundball 2025 Registration Time!
Player Registration
Coach Application
Sponsorship Form
All information is on our Roundball webpage.

Overcoming Parental Anxiety: Responding to the Surgeon General’s Call to Support Parental Well-Being
Parent Webinar Thursday, December 12th.

Elf on a Shelf Kindess Edition

From the Parish

We have an active and vibrant parish and encourage everyone to read the weekly bulletins for Fr. James’ weekly letter and stay informed about all upcoming events and programs. 

Please click here for the latest bulletin. 
Please click here for Fr. James’ “The Daily” – Daily Mass Readings and Reflections

The first annual “Christmas Stroll” takes place on Saturday, December 14th. Join us for the Adult and Children’s Choirs as they perform for the event on Saturday, December 14, at 11:00 am in the Upper Church.

Christmas Care Bag Project
Help the St. Catherine of Sienna guild with its annual Christmas Care Bag Project (formerly the shoebox project). 
Bring the following gender-neutral items to the meeting (We’ll supply the bags and drop them off for you.)

  • Winter hat
  • Gloves
  • Scarf
  • Warm tube socks
  • One Christmas card signed from “St. Paul of the Cross Church”

Questions? Email us at [email protected].

Apostolate of Women’s Annual St. Nick’s Party December 8th!
Download the flyer for details.

From the Community

From our Catholic High Schools

Notre Dame


November 21, 2024

Dear SPC Families,

Happy Thanksgiving! I pray you all have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving! When we return after the break, we will begin our Advent season. It is so easy for us all to get wrapped up in the commercial Christmas, the lists, the cleaning of the house for guests, the shopping, the wrapping, and the baking that in the frantic pace of the season, we do not slow down and rest in what is supposed to be the quiet darkness before the light of Christ arrives. Jan Richardson wrote, “The season of Advent means there is something on the horizon the likes of which we have never seen before… .What is possible is to not see it, to miss it, to turn just as it brushes past you. And you begin to grasp what it was you missed, like Moses in the cleft of the rock, watching God’s [back] fade in the distance. So stay. Sit. Linger. Tarry. Ponder. Wait. Behold. Wonder. There will be time enough for running. For rushing. For worrying. For pushing. For now, stay. Wait. Something is on the horizon.”  I pray that all of us parents who frantically rush through Advent preparing the magic of Christmas can take the time to prayerfully reflect on the glorious birth of baby Jesus on Christmas Day. 

During Advent at SPC, we will focus on preparing our hearts to welcome baby Jesus. Saint Teresa of Calcutta once posed the question, “At this Christmas when Christ comes, will He find a warm heart? Mark the season of Advent by loving and serving the others with God’s own love and concern.”  To help our children understand that Advent is waiting in anticipation for baby Jesus, we will hold off on all Christmas-related classroom celebrations until the week before school break. While in the past, this practice has sometimes given me the label (in jest) of “a grinch,” I think it is important that, as a Catholic school, we take the opportunity to be counter-cultural in all things Christmas. There will be time for great joy and celebration, but first, we can prepare our hearts in the darkness while we wait for baby Jesus.  I have included some resources below to help you honor Advent in your home during the season. 


In this Thursday Mailing: 

  • Announcing the SPC Legacy Award
  • Trimester 1 Report Cards
  • Adopt-A-Family-donations needed
  • Christmas Concert Grades PS-3-Save the Date!
  • Christmas Care Bag Project-National Junior Honor Society partners with the St. Catherine of Siena Guild
  • 24-25 Family Mass Schedule (please see below for additional dates for Family Mass hosted by Religious Education) 

SPC Legacy Award
We are thrilled to announce that we have established The St. Paul of the Cross School Legacy Award. This award will be given to a current or past St. Paul of the Cross community member who has made a positive impact on our school community and has made significant contributions to our community and whose accomplishments, affiliations, and careers have honored the mission and values of St. Paul of the Cross School. 

We will present the inaugural SPC Legacy Award at Celebrating the Spirit on February 7, 2025.

Who Is Eligible?
Any person who has been a St. Paul of the Cross Community member.

Who Can Nominate?
Any SPC community member (past or present) 

Due Date
January 6, 2025

SPC Legacy Award Nomination Form

Trimester 1 Report Cards:
Report Cards will be sent home on December 6th via email.

Adopt A Family Donations:
SPC has a long-standing tradition of partnering with the parish social service ministry to ensure that needy families in our community have a wonderful Christmas. The Adopt-A-Family program will collect funds and purchase gift cards so families can buy their own gifts. Given the timeline, we ask that funds be collected by December 12, 2024. These funds benefit the families who are recipients of the St Paul of the Cross parish Food Pantry. 

Please consider donating to the Adopt-A-Family program so our school can continue this beloved Advent tradition.

100% of these proceeds will go towards the Adopt-A-Family program in Social Service Ministry. CLICK HERE TO MAKE A DONATION

WHEN: December 19th, 10:00-11:00 am (doors open at 9:45)
WHERE: Church

CHRISTMAS CARE BAG Project Sponsored by St. Catherine of Siena Guild
We are pleased to offer our parishioners the opportunity to help the homeless and less fortunate in the Chicagoland area this Christmas by giving them CARE BAGS filled with warm clothing items. 

The SPC National Junior Honor Society is happy to assist with this project. We are distributing one bag to each student that they can fill with the requested items and bring back to school on either DECEMBER 3rd or DECEMBER 10th
The guild is requesting the following items for donation:

  • One (1) 2.5-gallon plastic bag containing the following gender-neutral items (PLEASE ONLY PROVIDE NEW ITEMS)
  • Hat
  • Gloves
  • Scarf
  • Warm Tube Socks
  • One Christmas Card signed “St. Paul of the Cross Church.”

*We will distribute free 2.5-gallon plastic bags to students on November 18th. 
NJHS will collect items during lunch on the following dates.
Please only send bags on either of these two days in order to reduce bags sitting in classrooms: Tuesday, December 3rd or Tuesday, December 10th.

Additional dates will be open for drop-off for parishioners outside of school hours. Please check with the guild for this information. 

2024-2025 Family Masses: Save The Dates
This year, the school will be hosting family Masses at 10:30 in the Holy Family Chapel, and it will be an excellent opportunity for our school community to pray together! Our students will be reading and serving as ushers, and our alumni will return to be Eucharistic ministers. 

  • December 15th: All 4-8th grade (and Bitty Basketball) Winter Athletes will pray together. Winter Athletes will wear their fall sports jerseys!
  • January 19th: 3rd and 4th Grade
  • February 23: 1st and 2nd Grade
  • March 16th: All 4-8th grade Spring Athletes will pray together. Spring Athletes will wear their fall sports jerseys!
  • May 25th: Preschool & Kindergarten

While the school hosts the above Family Masses, Religious Education hosts Family Masses on the following Sundays at 10:30, and school families are always invited!
December 8
January 12
February 2
March 9
May 11


Dr. Erika Mickelburgh

Save the Date! Celebrating the Spirit 2025!

The next Home and School Association Meeting will take place at 8am in the Holy Family Chapel on Friday, December 6th. We hope to see you there! If you cannot attend in person, please use this link to join virtually. 

It’s Almost Time! The Scholastic Book Fair is coming soon, YAY! Choosing their own books empowers kids and inspires them to become Bolder, Prouder, and Stronger Readers. AND—as always—every book they buy earns rewards for our school.   
Friday, Dec.6th from 3:00 – 4:00.
Sunday, Dec. 8th from 10:00 – 12:30.
Monday, Dec. 9th from 3:00 – 4:00.

It’s not too late to volunteer.  Click here to sign up for a volunteer slot!
Please click here to download all the details and information.

Mrs. Sue Dohr
St. Paul of the Cross’s Book Fair Chair
[email protected]


Download the newsletter here.

From the Parish

We have an active and vibrant parish and encourage everyone to read the weekly bulletins for Fr. James’ weekly letter and stay informed about all upcoming events and programs. 

Please click here for the latest bulletin. 
Please click here for Fr. James’ “The Daily” – Daily Mass Readings and Reflections

Christmas Care Bag Project
Help the St. Catherine of Sienna guild with its annual Christmas Care Bag Project (formerly the shoebox project). 
Bring the following gender-neutral items to the meeting (We’ll supply the bags and drop them off for you.)

  • Winter hat
  • Gloves
  • Scarf
  • Warm tube socks
  • One Christmas card signed from “St. Paul of the Cross Church”

Questions? Email us at [email protected].

Apostolate of Women’s Annual St. Nick’s Party December 8th!
Download the flyer for details.

From the Community

From our Catholic High Schools

St. Patrick High School

Notre Dame
